How much does the club cost?

Nothing. It's FREE!

Do I need to know the rules of chess before coming to chess club?

Nope. There will always be someone there that is willing to teach you the rules. The rules are easy, but mastering the game takes practice.

Do I have to bring my own chess set?

No. Feel free to use one of the club's chess sets if you don't have your own.

Do I have to use a chess clock when I play?

Not at all. The chess club is very informal. The goal is to have a good time learning and playing chess.

Can I drop my kids off?

No, at least not right away. Parents need to stay with their kids until the kids demonstrate a genuine interest in chess and adherence to the Code of Conduct. Parents are also required to give Emergency Contact Information before leaving the child at chess club.

What is the Amity Chess Club's Code of Conduct?

I will have fun playing chess

I will respect all players and visitors

I will respect the chess equipment and facilities

I will help keep distraction to a minimum

Is the club mostly kids or adults or both?

Both, but the mix varies from week to week and season to season.